It was nice to return, I had forgotten just how beautiful some parts of the reserve are. A lot of it is still degraded farmland - overgrown bush, but where Bruno has succesfully opened the land through burns it is starkly pretty.
It was also nice to see Bruno again. We stayed here as 'regular' guests and joined 2 other english people on walks every day. They were travelling friends, the man had a grand old english accent and spent much of the last half century working in Zambia and Botswana and China, and had a lot of stories to tell. The woman was much younger, but had travelled a lot in the past years.
Bruno managed to find a few pangolin feeding spots, but more importantly we found two sites where there was pangolin scat. It was very much mud with ant pieces scattered through it. We took down the coordinates of the areas and took a few samples with us.
On the first day it rained. A lot. It was hard to believe, but since then its been clear skies. The rains are very very early this year.
I havent written much about the last 3 days as I know I will have a lot to write about when I return. Instead let me talk about the future:
Tomorrow, dad is leaving back to holland. Im a little nervous. It will be the first time I have been so far away, completely on my own; no friends, no family, no-one. Ive already felt a little homesick at times, so today when buying my food for the next 10 days we also got a good choice of 'comfort foods': toffee popcorn, muffins, bacon and eggs and lots of coke.
Im spending the next 10 days at the Rare and Endangered Species Trust. ( I dont really have much of an idea of what it will be like, so its a little scary, but I spoke to the lady over the phone and she seemed very nice. The website describes briefly:
Daily work is quite varied. We work as a family doing whatever needs to be done that day. This can include everything from animal handling and painting new walls to moving rocks to build a new roost for birds. Everyday tends to bring new challenges and jobs. Once a week we feed the wild vultures and the day is spent monitoring birds coming in and out.
We try to find out what people enjoy doing most and let them concentrate on that work. Many volunteers bring building, artistic or computer skills that are necessary and valuable.
Housing consists of one two and one three bedroom home with shared kitchens, solar showers and flush toilets. All beds and bed linen are provided. REST provides a trip into the local town of Otjiwarongo for each person at least once every two weeks.
Our cell phone reception is very good and so connecting to the internet via cell phones is easy. The lights are very basic, but it is possible to recharge phones and laptops if you bring a car cigarette charger or buy one locally.
Washing is done by each person by hand.
They work mostly on vultures.
Ow Emiel ik voel de spanning voor je...ik vond t al n beetje eng om alleen met Maud te reizen... Ik vind je echt zo stoer!! En ik vertrouw er volledig op dat jij het allemaal gaat kunnen en dat je zoveel bijzonders gaat meemaken! Ik ben zo blij met die blog van jou, ik volg je bijna iedere dag. Zo ben ik toch een beetje bij je hè? (zeg maar gewoon "ja") ;) En het is natuurlijk mijn baan als superhero om je in de gaten te houden, dus als je ontvoerd wordt (of opgegeten) kom ik er gelijk aan vliegen. Rek de situatie in ieder geval zo lang mogelijk want ik denk dat ik er toch wel 4 uur over zal doen in mijn vliegtempo.
ReplyDeleteNou ja, in ieder geval heeeeel veel succes, maar nog veeel meer plezier gewenst. En ik heb me elke keer ingehouden, maar nu sluit ik toch af met wat ik van begin af aan al wilde doen: fuck off hairy! ;) x
hai lieve neef, ik ben zo trots op je! natuurlijk is het spannend, opeens zonder papa, ver weg van ons (mij mis je natuurlijk het meest van iedereen, snap ik best). Klinkt wel alsof je de komende 10 dagen veel mensen om je heen zult hebben en behoorlijk wat activiteiten te doen. Gelukkig heb je altijd Maxime, the super-hero op de achtergrond....jou kan niks overkomen, dat is duidelijk. Je blog is fantastisch, hoop dat je gelegenheid blijft houden om regelmatig te blijven schrijven. Wij hebben nu voor het eerst deze (na)zomer al een hele week zon! en warmte.. verder verandert er hier weinig: we doen braaf ons werk, gaan naar school, Yara oefent op haar ' high five'. O ja, wel nieuws: benjamin moest voor het eerst van zijn leven nablijven op school. Bijzonder, toch?
ReplyDeleteTot later, lieve neef. We gaan nu wachten op de verhalen van Gijsbert....
lots of love, enjoy, geniet van je lekkere snoep-berg.. xxx