This Blog

Welcome to my blog. From August 2011 to December 2011 I travelled through Namibia and felt at home enough to say I was temporarily living there. My main goal was to work on a research project on the Pangolin, but I also got plenty of safari time and took part in some other volunteer opportunities. On this blog I did my best to keep a detailed account of my experiences.
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Some more photos from Mundulea

This morning we just drove down to the last sandy zone and placed ant traps. Then we walked a transect checking down all aardvark holes in case a Pangolin is sleeping there - this is a last resort as Paul hasnt been able to find any signals on any of the Pangolins. Graham left before dawn to Windhoek.

Here are some more photos from Mundulea:
The same sun you see

Curious Eland

Portrait of an eland

Vulture at the plain, where's the carcass?

The rare tsessebe at Hyena Dam

The kitchen at the house

Toy. The dogs love to come into the bush

The huge herd of 100 eland at the plain

Paul checking for pangolin signal

Graham checking the car's leaking engine

The view from the porch

The road that leads to the gate (behind the hill for many miles), as seen from the house


  1. Je tante (steef)26/10/2011, 22:42

    Wauw! Heerlijke foto's weer. Gisteren keek ik naar DeWereldDraaitDoor en daar was een bioloog in het programma die zich gespecialiseerd heeft in uitstervende en ongeevolueerde diersoorten en hij had het ook over de pangolin! Jaaaaaa.....
    Wat zielig dat ze massaal gedood worden om naar China te worden gebracht om als lekkernij te dienen en hun schubben voor de vrouwen die borstvoeding geven...wist ik nog niet. Ik ben nu nog trotser op je (als dat nog mogelijk was) Heb je er inmiddels alweer 1 gezien?
    Dikke kus

  2. Nice pics Miel, huge eland herd! I thought tsessebe were flood-plain antilope? If Paul can't track another pangolin is there a chance of tagging a fresh one? Fun to see the house and view - great picture of the sun, we see it only occasionally though ;-)

  3. Havent seen another Pangolin, cant find signal on any of them. Paul is looking down holes in the hope of finding them and thinking about other options.. i.e. bringing in a bushman tracker. Well see

    Wont see the sun today I dont think
