This Blog

Welcome to my blog. From August 2011 to December 2011 I travelled through Namibia and felt at home enough to say I was temporarily living there. My main goal was to work on a research project on the Pangolin, but I also got plenty of safari time and took part in some other volunteer opportunities. On this blog I did my best to keep a detailed account of my experiences.
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Pangolin Blog

The Pangolin project blog is linked on the left of the page, but since my visit there have been two new posts detailing some of the work we did.

So far Paul has written about camera traps and ant sampling. Im sure a post about Okolunu is forthcoming:


  1. Amazing. The sun is in the North at noon, first quarter moon is d-shaped, with wind from behind the depression is on the right, and the link to the Pangolin project blog is on the left of the page. It's all opposite in the Southern Hemisphere !

  2. Renée said:

    It is simpler: after a week with Emiel I succeeded in transferring my fundamental confusion about left and right to him. He learned fast. I obviously had no problem finding the link at the "left" side straightaway.
