This Blog

Welcome to my blog. From August 2011 to December 2011 I travelled through Namibia and felt at home enough to say I was temporarily living there. My main goal was to work on a research project on the Pangolin, but I also got plenty of safari time and took part in some other volunteer opportunities. On this blog I did my best to keep a detailed account of my experiences.
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Map of Mundulea

As promised!
Go to this link to download a google earth overlay of Mundulea showing the boundary, main roads and features. Also included is a guided tour (!), there is lots of background noise so turn the volume down so you can just hear my voice.

Google Earth: Mundulea

Just click on Download in the top right.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool. Many thanks !
    Being a bit of a nube with GE I found the guided-tour after I while by going in the Places Window on the left of the screen, doubleclicking Mundulea.kmz, then again on Mundulea, scrolling down to Mundulea Rough Tour and finally double-clicking that. Background nois is no problem.
